Has anyone of you given any thoughts to death? I know! I know! None of us wants to think about death. But if you do, you may get a better understanding of living. You might even find the joy of living. Today, in the 21st century, we are not living, just observing life as it passes by us.
A few months back, we lost a dear friend. He spent his usual evening, a lovely evening with his wife, went to bed, half an hour later, he was gone. No warning, no health problems, suddenly he was gone. This incident made me think about death, wondering what guarantees we have about tomorrow? Is it worth to spend the life we have in this world, fighting, competing, arguing, and being angry and being selfish? Can we afford to postpone any tasks that we believe are important to us? Are you sure you are going to be alive tomorrow to get to that task?
We get caught up in our selfish needs, and we have no time to spare, to enjoy life, cry if we need to, or take a break if we have to. Living has become a routine, a drama that we play over and over: we, humans turning into Roberts.
We cannot defeat death. Can we agree on that? It will take us without warning, but some get to see it coming. Now, if I have that option, if you have one day to live, what do you think will interest you the most? How would your priorities your to-do list?
There will be many questions: Where to go, who to see, how to spend that last moment? Would you be scared or happy? Just for the fun of it, let me give you a few questions to think through. Would you cash in all your money and go away and spend it on an exotic island or settled your debts or give it to charity? Would you call all your friends, family and relatives and spent that last moment with them, or spent it at your work, hospital, in a hotel or with the one you love? What about your secrets? Would you want to share your secrets with someone come clean or go to your grave with it? Would you forgive the once who hurt you, or call them and give a piece of your mind for one last thrill? Would any of this matter, would you be sad, angry, or would you be happy?
Well, the answers to these questions depend on the life you have lived? When you realize that we can’t take anything with us, not the money, not our loved ones, not even our clothes. We will leave just the way we came. The difference is when we came to this world, we brought joy and love, and if we continue to share that until we leave, that we can take with us, and also leave behind.
When you come to think about this, you will realize that all we have is the present, no use dwelling in the past, no guarantees for tomorrow, so living every second as if it were your last will make you enjoy life, and you will begin to live. It is only then that you will be free to leave this world any given moment in peace without regrets. Life is beautiful only if you choose to live it.