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The Moment of Truth


The moment of TRUTH. Staying home has become a necessity. The epidemic of a virus that is spreading throughout the world has turned our lives into a mess. Living halted. Nature has created a moment for us to hit the brakes and to re-think what is essential in life. This pandemic is shutting down this autopilot world. It is as if the technology has failed, and we are in the dark. We are homebound, no outing, no social gathering, no parties, no work. Nothing is normal, and people fear the uncertainty. People face with fear and financial hardship and lack of support. In this moment of truth, what is our priority, and what we fear the most? Death?

When you give it some thoughts, you realize how disconnected we are from our loved once, family and friends. We hardly had any time to think. We turned into machines and living a robotic interaction with the world, and life has become a time table that we relive and rely on each day. Waking up to an alarm, running to catch the bus/train, getting in time for the meeting, or working overtime to make that deadline as living turns into a raise. We have no time to spare, to say hi to our neighbor, just a ritual hello, or bye-bye that doesn’t mean anything. Families disrupted, separated, living on different continents; we continue to run against time as life passes by us. Making a living, getting that promotion, buying a house, building a business, and all those tasks take priority. Think about the last time you pick up and called your mother or father. When was the last time you took time off to spent it with your children or the last time you spend time listening to your friend when she/he needed you? Can you even remember when you had time to spare just to have a normal conversation with your spouse? When was the last time you thought of checking in with your neighbor? Trapped in this so-called robotic living, we have forgotten to remember what it means to live. Now we are faced with uncertainty; it is time to re-think and come together to connect with humanity.

This moment of truth has priorities that are important in life; living! Our first thoughts are to our family, grandparents, and children’s safety. No matter where they live, we want to make sure they are safe. Then we have to be selfless and think about our neighbors, people around us, and outdoors to keep them safe, following the directions of the medical experts, washing hands, using sanitizers, and taking all precautions to keep everyone safe. The whole world is working together for one goal, to stay alive!

During this challenging time, my thoughts are, time is an essence. Why not take this opportunity to spend with our families. Take this moment to make up for the lost time. Do things that you never had time to do with your children and family. We are fortunate that the technology makes it possible to connect us with anyone, no matter where they live. If your children are not with you, if your spouse is away in another country, if your parents are thousands of miles away, now you have the time to speak to them, connect with them. Show them you care, tell them how you feel, and mean it this time. If there are misunderstandings among family members, friends, and loved once take this time to make things right. Find that family connection, remember the good times, help each other, and everyone around you. Check-in with your neighbors. Take the best use of this given time to be with your family. Together, we will overcome this!

Please obey the safety guidelines, social distancing, washing hands, and staying indoors as much as possible, be safe, and keep others safe.

Thank you for reading,


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Beatrice Fernando


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