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Life at the end!

Where am I in this dimension of life?
Wings spread out yet bonded in time.
Souring through the clouds gasping for air
Waiting for sunset to observe the dawn

Saggy skin barely holding the bones.
Hollow eyes hiding the life it lived
Silver hair curling up in neckline.
Stay still if you hear the music.

Thoughts and dreams diverse in a blend
Truth and reality are lost in a sinking memory.
Trials of recognition fading in destiny
Trembling hands reaching for the unknown

Fragile body frame struggling for balance
Wobbling steps doesn’t see the distance.
Shaky hands reaching out in dismay.
To embrace an image surfing in the shadow.

Still young at heart and mind is vital.
Thoughts are fresh and feelings intact.
The skeletal figure shows no comparison.
She smiles back at the reflection in the mirror.


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Beatrice Fernando


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