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circle of love

Love And Humanity

Tragedy always brings out compassion in humans. We forget the boundaries, labels, our differences, and that’s when we find our human connection, to love, give, and scarifies. We weep for them, feel their pain, and come together, and at that moment, we see the glimpse of God in us and act as such, we become one. All we want is to live, love, and sacrifice. We wake up to life, recognize the human spirit. We have faced many tragedies over the years, tsunami, hurricane, fire, flood, and mass shooting, and yet they happened in separate times, in different locations. We can very well remember the ache we felt, the pain and sorrow we experienced when we heard the news about those devastations? Do you remember the ache we felt, the pain and grief we experienced when we listened to what the tsunami has done to south East Asia? For days and weeks, we heard the news and watched how the monstrous waves swept away the human lives. Towns and business vanished, children snatched away from parents, families disrupted, and South East Asia turned into a mass mausoleum. We cried for them, we reach out to help, and we became the one big family of humans.

What we are facing today is much bigger and fear-stricken, a war against humans worldwide. The plague of the Coronavirus is ramping against us. It is so deadly, rising against all the odds using any means of entry to attack any one of us. It seeks no ethnicity, age, sex, or cultural limitations—a lethal weapon poised with power attacking us without warning, cure, or empathy. We are leaving behind victims without a tangible terrorist to punish. The tree of life shaken, the fruits are falling to limits unknown, we humans become the victims of nature.

With the death tolls rising, we are on a standstill. Travel restricted, gathering prohibited, shopping limited, visiting on hold, we are just waiting. We are unable to visit the sick, attend funerals, or seek treatment for curable conditions. Our hearts are aching, and the uncertainty is crippling our strength as we wait for the unknown.

At this moment, I want to remind you about the strength we have within us, the power of the human spirit to go beyond limits to make the impossible possible. Let us believe in our strength, believe in our dreams and hold on to humanity, and its connections, so we can make it to the finish line. Just like in the past, find that connection again to face this demon together. We can use any avenues that are available to us and in our capacity to connect with everyone. Use social media, email, or a phone call to send notes of gratitude, love, and hope to loved ones or health care workers. Offer your creativity, talents to help minimize the demand for protective gear. When we buy them at the stores, leave some for others. Find the strength to follow the guidelines, and obey the rules, and minimize the spread of this lethal virus. Stay home, keep social distance, wash hands, and do what is necessary to stay safe, keep others safe. Let us hold hands in our invisible circle of love and bring in others until the ring surrounds the whole world.

Everything happens for a reason, and even if we can’t realize it now, we will in time!

Love you


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Beatrice Fernando


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