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Happy New Year!

We have traveled a shady, lengthy, and complicated tunnel for almost a year, and the end seems within reach. The light is up for grasp. The journey was dreadful, filled with crises, Suffering, struggle, and death. Pain and Suffering became a part of living: loved ones dying alone, no funeral services, no hugs, and support for comfort. The silent war of Covid has victimized 76.8 Million and the death toll amounting to 1.69 Million worldwide and still counting. By midnight of December 31st, many more will join that number and will be missed by families as they ring in the new year 2021. With teary eyes, an ache in hearts, you will acknowledge the empty chairs at the holiday dinner table and their face on the holiday pictures.

The memories of 2020 will not be happy, and soon it will be a distant memory. But it will remind you what you have overcome, so be grateful for your survival. Remember the sacrifices made by those who cared for the sick who held their hands when they took their last breath, how we have come together to protect each other, staying in lockdown, giving up travel, holiday functions, and being in isolation and dealing with depression. We have suffered through and through and have survived so far. Soon the year 2020 will be behind us, along with the devastating dilemma we suffered. With promising COVID vaccines on board, we will ring in 2021 with optimism wishing for a healthy life for all. The lessons we learned through the grief-stricken tragedies we endeavored has given a new meaning to life. We were made more potent, tested to the extremes, and the will to survive. Trauma and Suffering always bring out the best in us and makes us better people. Hopefully, with eyes open, knowledge sharpened, we should recognize that we need to work in unison to take on the responsibility to make this a better place for our children. The task at hand is to care for Mother Earth, help halt pollution, enrich our environment. Breathing fresh air, consuming food that’s not toxic, and nourishing the earth we walk on may avoid future disasters, pandemics, tsunamis, earthquakes, and so forth. Why not believe in science, support, and help prevent more harm to our earth before we destroy it forever.

Let’s be optimistic as we welcome the year 2021 and work together to bring a better, safer, and healthy new year for all humanity, and try our best to be a part of taking care of one another and our earth!

Wish you all a Healthy, Joyful Prosperous life in the New year 2021!


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Beatrice Fernando


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