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Listen To Nature!

Just a thousand steps into the wild, the story of nature unfolds
A gush of wind cleansed me with a million scents it met
Its calming whisper tickled my ears
As it soared in a flash with a tender swift
Trees waved, and leaves applaud
Blossom opened its lips to embraced its warmth
Falling leaves waltz graciously without remorse
Listen, you’ll hear it cries as it kisses the earth
Entangled and secured, our secrets flew far into the horizon
You can listen to the ground mourns and laugh as it shelters the creatures
Bees gossip with birds’ tweets, and butterflies whirred in the harmony
Fields swayed rhythmically, weaving a foliage runner
Cascading waterfalls flourished hills and valleys stretched in the distance
Streams chanted its glory, attesting the beauty of struggle
Snow white clouds drew visual figures up above on the blue sky
Ocean screamed as it hauls the waves losses its grip
Fading Footprints immerse in bubbles as they dissolve under
Life is in a trance, nature in control
If you stay still and listen, it murmurs the answers to your queries.


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Beatrice Fernando


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