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Find your Rhythm!

This holiday season, New Year approaching, we miss our normalcy to celebrate and enjoy family visits and gatherings. For two years, we’ve been patient, waiting, holding back our urges to travel, take down our masks, and breathe freely.

Covid has taken over the world, and uncertainty is more prominent, not knowing when or if we will ever be free from this pandemic. It seems like covid will touch every one of us before it leaves us be. In the meantime, life goes on as we get disconnected, distanced from our loved ones. In this holiday season, we need to find joy, peace, and tranquility to accept life as it is.   

Life is a rhythm; it writes your song of life. Every action, every thought, and all emotions contribute to that rhythm. When we take, walk, sing or sit quietly, our thoughts play a rhythm it creates a guiding force to better our life. Sorrow, joy, rage, and all these emotions write a different rhythm in our path. Think about a few moments, how your heart beats when you hear a song that touches your heart, what makes your eyes tear, how your heart warms to a hug, why you inhale the scent of blooming followers, and how thoughts turn into a song. Our life is a song that we write even after passing on. You can live this moment with such excitement if you can find those notes to our life song. Tears of sorrow write the best stories, beautiful memories bring good laughs, and moments of joy create the saddest songs that fill your heart with warm feelings. Life has to find balance, and there is nothing wrong, painful, or worse in what we go through in life. But if we can find our rhythm, it keeps us afloat.  

Find your rhythm to write your life song!  

Happy New Year!!

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Beatrice Fernando


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