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Back in a cocoon!

A butterfly, just out of a cocoon
flutter its wings Soar high without terminus
Dash of rainbow colors sprinkle its wings,
Snowy clouds erase its path
As it grasps new heights
A murmuring breeze spins around it
Smothering in infinite bliss,
As it glides up and above
Bounded in beauty, harmony, and serenity
It perceives no confines as it reaches for the stars
No agony, grief, or qualms on site
Nothing to gain; dreams realized
Cause up there beyond the horizon
The time stood; still; life fulfilled
Ecstatically it rises against the sunset
Time is up; the rule of nature calls in
Nothing last forever!
Losing its grasp, it falls, shedding its wings,
Lands on a shrub branch, a caterpillar.
It moves slowly, and reality hits.
Hunger, ache, and misery return in a flash
Destiny calls as it curls into a cocoon
hangs in a thread waiting, life cycle in reverse
Life was, life is, and life will be
As it should be, to the rule of nature!!

I haven’t written for a while, and hope you see what I saw in these words. Please leave a comment.

Thanks for reading, Bea

Picture credits: Quang Nguyen Vinh

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Beatrice Fernando


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